Calculated Insights Schedules
Demo of Calculated Insights Schedules
Calculated Insights Schedule lets Data Cloud users specify when and how often Calculated Insights are processed. This gives customers more control to keep Calculated Insights current when new data is ingested. Customers can also better manage cost by assigning some CIs to process more or less often.
How it works
Currently, Calculated Insights are managed on a system schedule and CIs process 6 hours after the previous job completes. With the new Schedules feature, customers can control the following:
The Start Date and Time for when CIs are processed
The Schedule for processing - options are No Schedule, every 6, 12, or 24 hours.
The End Date for when the CI schedule will stop.
Other Considerations
When a new CI is created, creating the Schedule is part of saving the CI. Existing CIs will stay on the current System Schedule until the user edits and saves the CI or creates the schedule. This can be done from the CI home page using the Schedule option in the drop down.